Are you looking for a personal trainer?
4: What do they expect you to do during an average session, if they are mainly going to take you to the park and watch you run around for ha

5 Myths of diet & fitness
There are lots of myths, Bro science, half truths and fallacies in fitness. These range from the fairly harmless but ineffective 3X10 workou

Primal fitness
We are designed to do certain things really well like walk, carry things, run really fast for short periods of time and pick up heavy things

The myth of toning
Definition of tone:
Muscle tone, this is when the muscle is under tension as when it is used to perform an action or when it is tensed such

Age & the importance of fitness
You still see over 50s low impact aerobics classes advertised when what we need over 50 is to pick up some iron, we need strength we should

Motivation & self help
Motivation is not about inspiration it is about determination, it is about getting off your arse every day and doing what it takes to achiev

Cardio For Weight Loss
Cardio For Weight Loss
Whenever people talk about fitness they often mean steady state cardio e.g running or cycling. We are constantly to